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A Lockdown Haircut πŸ˜‰

Caught up in the Covid-19-pandemic-outbreak-caused-quarantine-lock down, I made brave resolutions of not ordering food from outside, sticking to home cooked cuisines, swearing to maintain a clean house, promising to immerse myself in personal development (which is what catalysed the birth of this blog) and of course taking pride in being a responsible citizen and staying inside my bedroom, camped on my bed.

This of course worked very well and I was quite happy for the first few weeks, until the Universe decided to put the rather inviting thought of me getting a hair cut, into my mind, on a never ending loop.

Everything I watched, everyone I spoke to made some or the other mention of 'hair' or 'cut'.

And personally for me, I had always had idle fantasies of rocking a pixie cut which were cut short (pun intended) by my loving mother who implored me to keep my hair long in the name of tradition.

So, after deciding it was high time to cut my hair (which looked sad, droopy and lifeless at the longer ends), I went to the world's most knowledgeable mind, YouTube.

And a 2 minute video later, I had enough confidence not only in cutting my own hair but also the hair of anyone else brave enough to trust my butterfingers.

And the preparations for the great Cut of the Century began!

Juri Snip GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Urmm... no thank you πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

When my mom finally gave her half hearted approval to me to cut my hair and her strict order to do it on the first Sunday after the new moon, I was ecstatic about getting the 35 cm (yes I had measured it) of my long hair cut.

I was also nostalgic to get it cut since this hair had collectively been attached with me through the thick and thin of the last 7 years of my life (not that it had any other choice) and hence I made it a farewell photo montage with appropriately sad background music.
With the farewell party done with due respect, I prepared the surgical instruments for the operation. 

Fun Fact: A piece of aluminum foil can be used to sharpen metal objects such as knives and scissors.

I sterilized my sharpened scissors and my comb with an unnecessarily large bucket of antiseptic liquid (Safety First!)

And then I began to carefully comb out every strand of hair attached to my scalp to get an as much clean cut as possible, during which time my dear mother was watching videos on making wigs with human hair.

Easiweft- The Hair Extensions Holder
Is this hair heaven?

Finally came the moment of the cut.

Now here I felt a bit scared to do it on my own (the high confidence given by YouTube coaches had sadly weaned away) but I couldn't ask my mother to do it for me since I had given whole speeches on self reliance and independence to her (it hurt my ego to ask her to help me cut it).

Anyhow, trusting the Universe, I spread the newspaper, prepared the scissors, closed my eyes, said a silent prayer and lo behold! The scissors were taken away from my hands and taken up by my lovely angel of a mother, who clearly could not bear the sight of me butchering my hair in the name of independence (Thank you MomπŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜♥️).

Crrrrkkk...crrrrk...crrrrk went the scissors and a few chops later, voila! I had got my hair cut.
Giving me no time to spend on admiring or even looking at the new cut (we didn't use any mirrors), I was herded off into the shower and made to take a good head bath.

It was during the head bath that I truly appreciated the hair cut! I used up only one sachet of shampoo, I could cover the entire surface area of my scalp and every inch of my hair, literally feel the water hit each part of my hair and came out feeling genuinely clean. (My hair would usually require some embarrassing assistance from my mom (I love you Ma😘) to get a complete clean up) 

Talk about true freedom! If I had known that freedom for me lay in the inches of my hair, I would have cut it a long time ago (with my mom's permission πŸ˜‚)

When I did get hold of my reflection, I was stunned at how much difference the haircut could make! It made me look so much more elegant, feminine and less of a child (I have a notoriously childish looking face that refuses to age with grace).

Here is a clear visual representation of my hair 
(and not me):

Related image

One versatile hairstyle I am in love with at the moment is this one:
Perfect for days when I want to look elegant but I feel lazy to put in much effort and also would want some air circulation within my scalpπŸ˜‚.

I miss the times when I could whip my hair into a big bun and be done with it and I am very grateful now that I can try to take better care of it.

Its the little fleeting things (like a long craved for haircut) that give me the most happiness 😁♥️

What are the little things that make you happy? Share it in the comments!


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