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Indian Premier League - Past & Present

Hello dear readers of Parinaama!!!  Your editor here!  Glad to meet y'all in another post (after quite some time I must say), that too in this special one. Why do I call it special? – because it indeed is - to me, to the blog, and by the end of this article, to you as well. A quick glance into my profile on our home page will tell you that I’m an avid sports fan, with specialization in cricket. It was a long time thought of mine that I should express my sports enthusiasm in a form of art that I’m fond of – writing. After lots of thinking, hesitation, and taking inputs from our very own Author, I decided that the splendid combination of my 2 amazing hobbies shall take place in none other than the ever-safe space of Parinaama. * manifesting a job like this * So, readers, it is with great happiness and joy that we, at Parinaama, present to you the very first article of our Sports Blog. Let me give you a little background t o present an insight into how the Sports Blog shall proceed. 
