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Tarot Cards - Stepping into My Purpose

If you have been a consistent reader of this blog and its posts, you might be well aware of my rather deep connection to Spirit, Source or in other words, the Universe. I did in fact mindfully and intentionally keep the tagline of my blog as "An Instrument of the Universe", because that is how I saw myself beyond the ego's identity. 

Well, the Universe is abundant, merciful and miraculous to say the least, for which I am deeply grateful and indebted to. I know that It is always by my side, ready to help me as I go on in my journey of staying true to my path and it is forever encouraging me as it sees my (rapid, if I may say so myself :P) progress. 

But, sometimes the material world's worries would blind me into thinking that I had lost my way, at which time I would ask for signs, symbols and synchronicities from my spirit guides and angel guardians. 

This literal "asking the Universe for signs" started in late 2018 and has actually become embedded in my subconscious by now. 

Naturally, my searching for signs and symbols took me to numerology, astrology and tarot - tools with which spiritual energies can be tapped into and made sense of.

I had a particular affinity to Tarot Cards, mainly because the skeptic in me accepted the fact that the predictions were done with something tangible (cards) and not with something abstract like the energy of Mars and Pluto (its difficult to fathom at first, how these millions of miles away planets can affect our life.. but they do :)

The accuracy of every reading only got me tuned into each and every next video I saw and it soon became a daily habit of mine to check relevant videos pertaining to any doubts or fears I had had for that day or time period.

Of course, since the readings were done by one reader for millions of other people at a time, I could only get a vague idea of how my future would be if I stayed in the same energy and mindset or if I had to change my attitude and shift my energy to change my future into something better.

Having been an avid watcher of tarot card readings, I was fascinated mostly by the way in which it was done, using the cards. 

Every time I saw a reader shuffling cards on camera, flipping cards over to reveal the symbol in each card, I would subconsciously see myself doing the same. I knew deep down in the recesses of my mind that my life purpose had something very definite to do with Tarot.

I recently ended up ordering my own deck of cards ( which is a lovely beginners deck at a reasonable price) and to say that I just knew that this was meant for me, is an understatement. 

You know how we sometimes feel attracted to doing certain activities and actually end up having a flair for it without knowing exactly how we managed to do it? It would seem to be something we can do just like that, with no prior practice.

To go to a gym and gradually practice lifting weights till we reach a certain target is one thing, whereas going to a gym and effortlessly lifting weights that are extraordinarily heavy, is another thing. In the first case, we train our brain and muscles to handle the weights; in the second case, our brain and muscles seem to be already trained for it.

The second category is exactly how I felt, holding those tarot cards in my hands. Like my hands were meant for it. Like my soul was meant for it.

Remember how I said my skeptic self accepted tarot as a form of future divination because it was done using specific cards designed with a defined and particular meaning? Well, this time, when I held my own cards in my hands, I just felt so much more connected to Source, as though the invisible energies I felt connected to, just got even more accessible and even more real to me, by the use of tarot cards!

If the Universe were a person (we all are the Universe experiencing itself, but for the purpose of this example, I assume the Universe to be a person), then tarot cards are my personal telephone connection through which this person communicates with me; the videos I had seen previously (and still do) are more like public notices meant for general communication.

Quite ironic, how, from being a self proclaimed skeptic who outwardly and blatantly avoided any form of esoteric and spiritual 'nonsense', to actually ending up owning my own set of tarot divination cards, my life seems to have shifted right on its head!

I just feel more and more connected to my higher spiritual self and lesser connected to my egoistic identity; more accepting of the impermanence of life and less attached to everything.

I feel blessed to be an instrument of the Universe and my affinity to tarot is just a confirmation of that!

Cheers :)

Some Pictures:

I love the imagery on this deck as well as the diverse explanations in the little book provided.

Links to some of my favorite tarot readers:


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