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Showing posts with the label advice

Crossing the River - A Dilemma

A few days ago, I had a dream. One in which I was not in the usual rollercoaster of books, professors or food.  This time, unusually, I was on the banks of a river. It was eerily silent & uncannily rippling. When I tried to go closer to peek beyond the bank's edge, I found it difficult to move. My hand was gripping the handles of a very heavy bag & my feet were shackled to it. Surprised, I tried to free myself from the burden, thumping around my legs on the banks, extricating my grip from the bag's handle. Just when I managed to loosen myself, I heard a small crack - the rockmass in front of me was breaking apart. Startled, I remained still - the crack disappeared. "Oh give me a break! ", I sighed in frustration. Having spent the previous weeks breaking my head over case studies, projects and assignments, the least I had wished for was deep sleep, if not a pleasant dream. I opened that bag with my other hand. It contained a life jacket, a few packets of maggi

Insights from MBA - Work, Play, Tea and Everything in Between

It's 12:38 AM in my clock.  I'm on holidays.  Ideally I could be asleep. But I'm not. I honestly miss the life at campus, where, on a regular day, I'd be in a frenzied brainstorming session with my group mates, trying to squeeze our collective brain cells to come up with a presentation for the 8 AM lecture next day.  I've had plenty of ups and downs, surprises and disappointments, core memories and gut wrenching experiences in a bundle of mere 6 months with this course. Each day would be different in its challenges. Navigating everything  - new approaches to lectures, discussions, interpersonal relationships, the dynamic campus layout (it deserves a Marauder's Map), being boxed into a solo room, finding friends, finding yourself... the list goes on!! - and trying to stay afloat without nearing burnout is an achievement of its own. I was foolish enough to think I could glide through this with grace. I had accumulated so many useful mindsets, techniques, tools and

Life After

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Whenever you're reading this! It's me, Maitreyi. Yeah I know, a long gap since my last post, but worth the wait! I have so many exciting things to share with you all and I can't even wait to begin. But first, the apology. I, Maitreyi K, solemnly swear that I was up to all good during my rather large break, and I hope you can let me off the hook in case you were (and hopefully are) a consistent reader.  I apologize for being away and I'd like to make up for it by sharing juicy details about my life. So, first things first, I have cleared the hardest core papers of my engineering exams! And I'm talking about concepts that were specifically created to juice the jam out of my poor brain. So that's an amazing win! Next, I prepared with blood, sweat and tears to give a crack at one of the toughest entrance exams in my country to access fine quality higher education in the field of Management. I cleared it as well.  Then I attended interv
