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Showing posts from May, 2020

Feeling Hopeless

When I’ve been praying for something to occur for so long....t hat its no more a prayer but an obsession And my mind is constantly thinking and overthinking...n ever ending doubts When will it happen? Where will it happen? How will it happen? Till I become so dejected, frustrated and exasperated That I ask  Will it happen? And finally say  I don’t care if it happens. Magic occurs when I state this. Because when I state “I don’t care anymore” I’m no longer chasing the boon But allowing it to find me When I say I don’t care if it happens, I no longer need something external to fill a void in me. When I say I don’t care, I find what I need within me And hence attracting the boon. ...if only you search inwards... Fear not dear readers, when you feel hopeless, lost and frustrated Respect this feeling and allow it to flow through you Understand the root of this feeling to be You seeking without what exists within When you go to...

Cut the Crap to Step Into Your Power

For me, there are 3 types of people in the world:  The leaders , who work for their dreams silently, are proud of their work and reap the rewards with humility, thankful to the universe for its blessings, appreciate and help others and have the belief that they can achieve greater heights, which propels them to unlock their inner potential and never settle for too long on their laurels. The workers , who have no idea of their true potential and accept whatever they get to be what they deserve but still take some pride in what they achieve, never knowing their true power. The ones with a half baked, fake and toxic mindset , who outwardly downplay themselves so much that they appear to be doormats, inwardly feel smug and superior to some and inferior to others, easily manipulate others for their own gain and easy-to-manipulate, idly fantasize great achievements but are afraid to try going after what they want and secretly feeling jealous of others who achieve their dreams.  At m...

Free Spirited Wanderers

We do not become  shameful people, When we earn  society's disapproval;  Nor do we become good people When society approves our actions. We only become a carbon copy of what society wants us to be,  when we gain its approval  And a copy of what  It  doesn't want us to be  when we gain its disapproval. In reality,  we are not carbon copies or even carbon; We are unique complex compounds of our own kind  And we listen  to the calling of our souls Some parts of us are readily approved by society,  Other parts are not; that's alright with us. Society is all about balance. Its changes its direction to achieve equilibrium amidst  turmoil And one day,  it will welcome us  to lead it forward For we were brave enough  to be ourselves And we inspire that courage  in others. We don't do this for po...

A Lockdown Haircut 😉

Caught up in the Covid-19-pandemic-outbreak-caused-quarantine- lock down , I made brave resolutions of not ordering food from outside, sticking to home cooked cuisines, swearing to maintain a clean house, promising to immerse myself in personal development (which is what catalysed the birth of this blog) and of course taking pride in being a responsible citizen and staying inside my bedroom, camped on my bed. This of course worked very well and I was quite happy for the first few weeks, until the Universe decided to put the rather inviting thought of me getting a hair cut, into my mind, on a never ending loop. Everything I watched, everyone I spoke to made some or the other mention of 'hair' or 'cut'. And personally for me, I had always had idle fantasies of rocking a pixie cut which were cut short (pun intended) by my loving mother who implored me to keep my hair long in the name of tradition. So, after deciding it was high time to cut my hair (which l...

Transcending Trauma

Traumatic events are any sudden, unexpected situation we encounter that makes us feel unstable, hopeless, powerless and hurt. It could be anything from a devastating flood, hurtful abuse, terminal illness, death of a loved one, end of a relationship, a business failure or getting scolded unexpectedly by someone you trust.  One person's trauma may not be percieved as trauma by another person since the perception of any event to be trauma in itself depends on the degree of mental development and past experiences.  Trauma isn't necessarily physically, mentally or emotionally hurtful as much as it feels shameful. The one thing common to all victims of a traumatic event is that they felt uncomfortable and ashamed of themselves during the event and as a result they become hypervigilant after the event to protect themselves from future attacks. A common hurdle many trauma survivors face is in creating an identity for themselves outside of the trauma. Since they identify themselves wi...

Faulty Teaching

We are taught to "appear" amazing on the outside not to feel amazing on the inside We are taught to hide our flaws  and be ashamed of them  not to work with our flaws  and see their value We are taught to silence and suppress  our inner demons  not to understand and heal them We are taught to appear aloof  and keep it "cool"  when expressing and managing our emotions healthily is better We are taught asking for help is weak when help is what we need We are taught that feeling anger,  jealousy, lust, resentment is bad when these are all valid feelings  carrying a deeper meaning We learn to put on a convincingly happy face when we feel dead and lonely inside We are taught to be vigilant  and to trust nobody not to be compassionate  with healthy boundaries We are taught to coldly judge  and be smartly sarcastic not to warmly understand  and lovingly speak...

What The Shadow Self Wants

I want your love Tell me you love my ideas Tell me I did my best Tell me that nobody else matters to you but me Tell me you'll help clear out my fears Give me your hand to hold on to Give me your shoulder to cry Give me a warm, affectionate gaze Give me the belief that I'm the best I know there are better people out there With more drive, passion and love I just want to know that I am One person who makes your world explode with joy Show me your acceptance of my nature All the good, the bad and the in between I have been taught to judge and hate my imperfection I need your compassion for my peace Take me to a place far away Where the stars meet the sea Hold my face in your gaze As though within me, you see beauty I don't need you to put me on a pedestal I don't need you to put me down I only want your acceptance, understanding and love That tells me, no matte...

Shadow Self (3) – Journey to Self Realization

Thank you dear readers for travelling with me till this third and final article of our series. I am grateful if you find my blog to be insightful and helpful. Self Realization Healing my shadow self has helped me grow to accept and love myself for who I am and has also shown me glimpses of a greater Truth. The epiphany and revelation that I meditate upon and have a growing faith in, as each day passes by, is the Truth of Love and the Love of Truth. Love is the energy of the universe and It can only exist in a place of Truth. Since we all are energetic manifestations of the universe itself, then logically, we embody Love and we are Love at our core. I imagine the ultimate energy of Love being hidden beneath the various layers of ego, like the petals hide the nectar of the bud. The ego arrogantly thinks that only it exists and is real, but it doesn’t understand that it exists because it is in denial of Love. If and when the ego understands this truth, the illu...

Shadow Self (2) - Healing the Hurt

...Heal... Assuming that the respectable reader of this blog has read the first part of this series, I move on to the second part and narrate my experience with healing my shadow self. I felt drawn to the concept of mindfulness, having heard of it being a miraculous cure for stress and anxiety. I attempted to discipline myself by being mindful and I tried to maintain an online journal in my phone, of my every thought and impulse arising daily, no matter how far fetched or childish it seemed. After a few days of diligent and sincere journalling, I decided to analyse my diary entries out of curiosity.  A preview of my dark side was revealed to me. At first, I made the mistake of living in denial.  I was shocked beyond comprehension to think that I could have such dark thoughts in my mind and I chose the option of comfortably brushing the dust under the rug, so to speak, and attempted to 'unsee' what I had seen about my shadow self. I would go as fa...
