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Showing posts from July, 2020

Nira Translation

Wear headphones, click play and then read along,  for best experience (Sid Sriram) Niraa..Niraa..Nee yen Niraa        Colour, are my colour Thira..Thira..Ninaithira..                Ceaseless..Ceaseless..Thoughts I feel Nodi..sugam..thara..                         A second of bliss, to obtain, Vali..yugam..vidaa..                     An eon of endless pain  ............ (Sid Again) Vizhiyile oru keeraley                 A distortion in my vision Vizhunthathey theriyamaley        has occured unknown to me Tharaiyile Nizhal veguthey         my shadow boils on the ground Thanimaiyai ariyamale               its loneliness unfelt Ninaivugal Vilaiyadhuthey         Memories play & confuse me Nijam adhu puriyamaley             Without understanding the reality Idhazhgalum thirakamale            Without opening my lips (to reach out to you) Idhaiyangal inaindhida, uy ir Pizhaithidum                                  If my heart unites with yours,  My life will be saved     Pogath

Collaboration Poem: A Quarantine Letter

From The collaborators of this poem, @Various_Handles, in Instagram, on the World Wide Web, I.P: (obviously imaginary) Date - 23rd July 2020 To Maitreyi K @maitreyi_parinaama in Instagram, on the World Wide Web, I.P: 111.11.0..1 (not really)   Through A Post Hi maitreyi_parinaama👋,   How are you dealing with 2020, so far? Working all night, sleeping all day, Missing those idiots who make me laugh, Spending the days that never return,  I feel so dumb right now 6 words are not enough To explain this madness! Chores, Rationing, Fear! My daughter, Family, Frustration! I do hope that you make  Your quarantine insanely productive. Yours truly (with a mask) Your collab poetry   Click above to see the post!            

Thank you Tears & Triggers

Triggers were something I used to actively avoid. Because of the way they made me feel: restless, frustrated, angry, disappointed and a wide spectrum of uncomfortable feelings.  For the uninitiated,  Psychology Today Triggers are are similar to that burnt or itchy feeling we get around any bleeding scratches, stinging bites or broken bones. The pain is there for a reason, to inform us that something is out of balance. Most of the time, we don't need to do anything except wash the wound and rest in one place, allowing our body to give primary care to heal the wound and ensuring our energy is concentrated mostly in healing. The irony is, we have been taught to take rest when we have physical wounds; but not for emotional wounds, especially when it too needs similar care. "Toughen up",  "Man up",  "Suffer Silently",  "No pity parties",  "Don't cry for this and all", "Stop being a baby" are some common generalizations thro
