When you've done your best and stood your ground
and nobody supportive seems to be around
don't you dare give up on your stance
repeat to yourself "this too shall pass"
When you've cried yourself hoarse about your true feelings
To a friend or partner, with whom closure you are seeking
Even though it seems they don't validate your cry
Don't you run behind them asking "Why?"
When you've given all you've got to your dream
and all you seem to get are struggles that make you want to scream
Recall that roadblocks are blessings in disguise
Some come to redirect you, some to make you wise
When the storms in your life never seem to stop
Leaving you with no time to clean up or mop
Know that the storm itself is doing the clearing
Of all the negativity from your garden of life
When you've quit your toxic traits and started being your true self
Don't be afraid of comments, critics, labels or shelves
Those who matter to you, won't mind the change
And those who mind the change, don't matter to you at any range
When nothing seems to be going right
And you have been forced to buckle down in fright
Know that you are being humbled
And reminded to bend and pray, not grumble
Pray, pray with all your might
Pray till you get the strength to fight
Pray till you get the perspective in sight
That you finding and being your true self is your birthright.
