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Several unpredictable days later
I realized the importance of waking up in the morning
with a grateful smile

Several nauseating headaches later
I realized the joy of giving thanks for my health to the Universe

Several smelly breaths and pimple scars later
I realized the value of regularly washing my face,
brushing my teeth and cleaning my tongue

Several dull, drowsy, depressed experiences later
I realized the value of staying hydrated, meditating and exercising

Several uncomfortably itchy sensations later
I realized the value of cleanly grooming my body

Several split ends, knots and angry tangles later
I realized the importance of caring for my hair with love

Several uncontrollable and erratic stomach upsets later
I realized the importance of eating meals mindfully
and not gluttonously

Several low lows and rock bottoms later
I realized the importance of praying with faith

Several sticky situations later
I realized the huge worth of honesty and truth

Several hurt emotions later
I realized the simplicity of being politely straightforward

Several power struggle dynamics later
I realized the power of self love

Several episodes of bullying and being bullied later
I realized the virtues of kindness, compassion and acceptance

Several episodes of feeling betrayed and doing betrayals later
I realized the danger of suppressed emotions and resentments

Several episodes of suppressing emotions later
I realized the relief in assertively speaking up

A few failed friendships and toxic situations later
I realized the importance of being grateful and letting go

A few feelings of 'being taken advantage of' later
I realized I am not wrong to choose to be vulnerable
and if someone chooses to use that,
that's their burden to carry and not mine
(thank you for this message, Najwa Zebian)

Several instances of planning 100% and doing 0% later
I realized the existence of only the Now, the present moment

Several failed dreams and road blocks later
I realized rejection is merely redirection

Several incidences of being shamed by others later
I realized that the one sure way to survive and thrive
is to Be Myself

Several ego struggles later
I realized the value of loving and respecting
my family and friends

Several frustrations later
I realized I can't change anybody
or completely please anybody else
but me

Several misunderstandings later
I realized I can try to understand someone else's language
but I can't expect the same from them,
no matter how I convey my expectations

Several confusions later
I realized that society blows with the wind
but I'd have to sail steady

Many 'why me?' moments later
I realized the power of expanding my perspectives
and seeing challenges as blessings in disguise

Several 'irritating' experiences later
I realized that the stuff that irritates me
is mirroring the parts of myself
that I am yet to accept and respect

Several dark nights later
I realized the power of ending my night
with prayers of hope and gratitude

One physical, mental and emotional accident later
I realized the value of living my one life
in the way I believe to be right

Najwa Zebian: 

(it took me a lot of unwinding) to separate the fact that I had been looking for a home, I had been looking for love and to say that just because someone took advantage of those needs and of those dreams, it doesn't mean that something was wrong with me for wanting them.

We all want love

You have to draw that barrier, because you blame yourself for wanting to be loved

You blame yourself for wanting to belong, you blame yourself for wanting to be relevant to someone, when you shouldn't do that! 

That's the most beautiful, pure thing -  To want to feel loved. 

And then somebody looking at you and saying 
"Oh, She is vulnerable...I'm going to take advantage of that" 

and you have to separate those two things 

and say "Actually, your choice to take advantage of my need for love, is all on you! It's not my weight to carry, its not my burden to carry."

to see more of her wise and impactful thoughts, click here.

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