Today marks the beginning of the 20th year of my earthly existence, although I feel like a 10 year old kid with 10 years of work experience with life. I generally wouldn't really like celebrating my birthday (which would usually consist of wishes from my loved ones, a new dress gifted by my parents and a surprise cake from my sister). I felt I had to achieve something worthy enough to call for a "celebration", so to speak. But this year though, is so radically different. Obviously, the year 2020 or infamously known as The Year That Must Not Be Named (Voldemort reference), has turned all birthdays from the month of March into "Quarantine Birthdays", because literally, the birthday humans were either in self isolation or in lock down. Yet for me, this is such a beautiful birthday that I take pride in celebrating. This day is definitely a cornerstone and a turning point in my life. It marks the culmination of my inner journey of soul searching, life purpose findin...