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Our Eternal Mother

The universe knows my struggle
As I face nightmares in my sleep
It knows my ecstatic happiness
When I achieve my dreams within this dream

The awakening is tough
When I force^ myself to become aware
That my reality is but maya (slumber)
That my consciousness needs elevation
In the name of renunciation 

Don't force yourself dear little one
The eternal universe warmly says

What use is it to show the secrets of the cosmos, 
to a half awakened child who would rather prefer its sleep?
What use is it to show nectar
To a tiger loving its meat?

Come to me when you're ready little one, forever awaiting your arrival, i will be
Fear not the world you leave behind, for I am the true reality

Forsake your ahamkaara*
Forsake your sense of self
For you are a dramatist emoting my script
A director's actor, a breathing puppet

Take however long to arrive at this realization
Fear not death, for it is but the next journey on

Try to do good, be good and kind to all
For the law of cause and effect will reward you, be it your rise or your fall 

Forget not thy dignity and thy purpose
Enjoy as much as you can, this repose
Come to me when you feel saturated and ready to wake
How many ever lifetimes that may take

I, your eternal mother, await thee
For aeons i have and for eons i will be.

^force myself to become aware - when I attended a spiritual discourse for the first time, i felt drawn to the idea of spirituality and renunciation to such an extent that i wanted to "prepare" for the journey and would force myself to forsake little joys, only to let my passions win and in the end, end up "defeated" and feeling guilty. I became aware of the ego trap I had put myself into, because i secretly wanted to feel superior to my peers by advancing in my spiritual journey (!! Utterly wrong intentions!! No wonder i ended up discarding a golden opportunity for the sake of egoistic praise). Now, I'm in a much better place, mentally and spiritually.

*ahamkaara- Sanksrit for "I do";

in this context, it refers to our sense of individuality and the ego that focusses on the subject I instead of the verb did with respect to any outcome creating action (i.e.) "the event occured because of me and my doing", when in reality, we are mere instruments through which the outcome has occurred and not the determiner of the outcome itself.

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