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Who is the One for you?

" The One " is a romantic concept indicating a "soul mate" who is a particularly special or compatible person *  who knows us completely,  accepts us, stays with us no matter what and with whom we can be truly vulnerable, feel safe and secure always. Let's view it from a scientific and logical perspective. It has been proven that we are made of atoms from stardust as most of the elements that make up the human body and every creature in existence were originally present in stars (i.e) the collisions with asteroids, comets, solar waves from other stars over millions of years prior to the formation of the first ever living being on this planet, brought the necessary elements essential for life to this planet. So, logically , soulmates must be people with most number of complementary atoms. You see one person with whom you feel that you share so much in common and you try to get to know them deeper and deeper.  Your intimacy with them grows exponen

The Entitled Generation

Imagine a child, born innocent and naive, vulnerable and susceptible to any influence, wired subconsciously to mirror their parent and gain their approval and acceptance, to survive as a tribe. The child laughs, cries, screams and has meltdowns as it explores its own self The parent does what they think is best for their peace: Controlling the child's “unruliness” by alternatively begging and shouting at them or gratifying their desires just to keep them quiet. (Read: Not disciplining them) The child paints on walls? It receives scoldings  The child breaks its feet? Scoldings The child screams that it wants ice cream at a hotel? Scoldings These kids are shown children of their own age who apparently have “model behavior” and they are asked by the frustrated nurturer: “ Why can't you be like that kid! Why can't you shut up and stay put for sometime! ” What the parent means to say is: “ Make life easier for me by suppressing yourself, because I cannot handle yo

Our Eternal Mother

The universe knows my struggle As I face nightmares in my sleep It knows my ecstatic happiness When I achieve my dreams within this dream The awakening is tough When I force ^  myself to become aware That my reality is but maya (slumber) That my consciousness needs elevation In the name of renunciation  Don't force yourself dear little one The eternal universe warmly says What use is it to show the secrets of the cosmos,  to a half awakened child who would rather prefer its  sleep? What use is it to show nectar To a tiger loving its meat? Come to me when you're ready little one, f orever awaiting your arrival, i will be Fear not the world you leave behind, f or I am the true reality Forsake your ahamkaara* Forsake your sense of self For you are a dramatist emoting my script A director's actor, a breathing puppet Take however long to arrive at this realization Fear not death, for it is but the next journey

My experience with ego

I see an unfamiliar path I sense a deep curiosity  I wish to go and explore  To discover and experience those unknowns "Stop and stay! ๐Ÿคจ " orders an authoritative ego I fight, rebel and move more "Look at the comforts we have! ๐Ÿค— "   displays a manipulative ego Momentarily attracted but letting go,  I smile and wave it off, moving on more "You will lose your identity! ๐Ÿ˜  "  warns a threatened ego I contemplate, shrug and go on, seeking the unknown "Don't leave me alone!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ "  pleads a scared ego I look at it compassionately, grateful for its duty done, but hastening further, I go on "You've made me break! ๐Ÿ˜– "  yells a broken, shattered ego I empathize with it, acknowledge its pain, and move on "Who am I ? ๐Ÿ˜ต "  whimpers a nonexistent ego I leave it alone to its questions, moving on Lo behold, the path that hath unfolded, Seemingly long, tiring and infinite before m
