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Making Choices = Facing Consequences

There is no choice without a consequence

Hellew lovely readers! Been a while, hasn't it!

I hope you are safe, sound and searching for your soul because 2021 doesn't seem to be going away in a hurry any time soon - hence now is the best time to choose to look within and discover/create yourself. 

This choice certainly has its consequences :

Empowerment. Energetic Alignment. Soulful Satisfaction.

Before these sweet consequences come into the picture, you’ll have to face the not so pretty consequence of discomfort, venturing into the unknown, questioning yourself and your life choices up till now, critically evaluating who you are as a person, when previously you might have not even given a thought about this other than superficial SWOT analyses where you might have done a shallow level of self inspection.

I can speak from experience that these seemingly uncomfortable consequences are worth it because in the process of facing them head on, you learn who you truly are and who your soul deeply wants you to be. 

So, coming back to our topic, you might think this is a topic that needs no introduction because haven’t you been doing it your entire life? Getting through challenges and inevitable situations?

Agreed, very much it is so that your entire journey up till now can be easily summed up into the choices you’ve made and the consequences they’ve led to, but how many times have you actually faced a consequence?

Remember, running away from a situation, praying for yourself to be saved by someone or doing something for the sake of getting through a situation without even allowing yourself to think what you could possibly learn from it, is not facing consequences

It is escapism at its worst and survival at its best.

Some of us may even have a rather ego inflating belief that you can “face” anything life throws at you when you aren’t actually facing it - you are just scraping through it.

I sense those who have read up till now are at the brink of introspection and it gives me immense pleasure to catalyze it further.

Think about it dear reader.

How many times have you actually faced a situation, come out of it, evaluated which choice led to which chain of events and actually became wiser because of that experience?

When you poke yourself with a sharp nail, you understand that sharp objects need to be handled with care, but if only all choices lead to such straightforward consequences

Alas they mostly don’t.

Never in the case of life choices.

Sometimes you need to make a choice with absolutely no clue of exactly what the consequence holds for you!

Sometimes you may have made choices that seemed best at that time period and now looking back, they have became one of your more regrettable ones.

And this is why evaluation of the impact of your choices is a key habit to develop.

There is a difference between overthinking a choice and evaluating a choice, wherein evaluation actually leads to an intentional, informed action towards a choice, whereas overthinking doesn’t.

And let’s say that even after careful evaluation, the choice you made throws up an unexpected consequence or situation.

In such a case, don't pray for you to escape the situation, because the funny thing is, that same situation (consequence) will crop up in different forms till you learn to face it or at the very least, till you evaluate enough to understand why or how it happened.

You may or may not be able to avert sticky situations but the experience and wisdom you gain by handling them head on, with the intention of finding something you can learn from them, makes this journey that much more simpler.

There is always something you can learn from the consequences of your choices.

Facing consequences is how you learn to live life.

And I hope you do, bravely, authentically, limitlessly :)

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