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Of Meditations and Realisations

Being a self proclaimed spiritual enthusiast, it didn’t take me much time to delve into the world of meditation. And by delve, I mean going through various articles, how to’s and videos where people described what meditation meant to them, the various methods of meditation, the miracles they had experienced after a mere day of meditation, its overall health benefits and of course the overall increase in focus and mental clarity, etc. Notice I didn’t tell you anything about me practicing a full on actual meditation?  Well that’s because I didn’t, at that time at least. To me, meditation was the most uncomfortable thing anyone could ask me to do (literally) It meant I had to silence the distractions I loved, ignore the distractions I hated and basically focus on something as boring as my breath or worse, a mantra in sanskrit, whose meaning I had no idea about and felt no form of devotion to.  I couldn’t day dream of what an amazing meditation expert I would soon become (or even fight and

Karmic Forces (6) - New Beginnings

This is the sixth and final part of this 6 part fictional story series. Everything in this story is purely imaginary with inspirations from real life. Any resemblance to any person or occasion in real life is completely coincidental. 6. New Beginnings With trembling fingers, she opened the message. It was a simple ' hey '. Visibly trembling all over, Miraa hesitantly replied, 'hi Vineeth 😅', hoping that the sweating emoji conveyed her anxiety. The response was immediate. 'Wanna call you to tell something. When can I call?' If Miraa could have run away from the face of the earth, she would have. Unfortunately not having that option, eager to respond yet fearful of what she might hear, she consoled herself by thinking that the worst thing Vineeth could probably say was that he never wanted to speak to her again and to keep things formal between them henceforth. Not being much comforted by this thought but finding no other way, Miraa replied 'Sure, you can cal

Karmic Forces (5) - The Domino Effect

This is the fifth part in a 6 part fictional story series. Everything in this story is purely imaginary with inspirations from real life. Any resemblance to any person or occasion in real life is completely coincidental. 5. The Domino Effect It took a long time for Miraa to register that Vasuki had made contact with her, after everything she had done to block all further contact from him, after their last meeting, when the pandemic and lockdown had set in. Furthermore, it had been almost months since Miraa had even checked her own mail since she would usually get notified about assignments through her google classroom and would submit it through there and any other important information regarding classes would be passed through their groups. Why she chose today to open her email, she had no clue. All these thoughts raced in her mind as she stared at the mail blankly, frozen in shock, her heart thumping furiously in her chest, her palms and feet sweating profusely, her stomach tumbling

Karmic Forces (4) - Histories

This is the fourth part in a 6 part fictional story series. Everything in this story is purely imaginary with inspirations from real life. Any resemblance to any person or occasion in real life is completely coincidental. 4. Histories Miraa reeled under her realisations, being too overwhelming to bear. Had she not learnt anything from the behaviour of her abusive father? How had she landed up again in the lap of someone so eerily similar to him? What had happened to her promises to herself that she would never allow anyone to treat her as her father had once done? As her father had once done .....those thoughts took her far back, to her childhood. Miraa's childhood seemed nothing short of normal to the outside observer. She had parents who gave her her basic needs, who let her participate in any event she wanted to and money was definitely of no shortage at her house. Yet there was no home.  Her father and mother never seemed to get along and were forever bickering and snickering a
