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Showing posts from August, 2022

Manifesting My Dreams - A Reality Check

Hello Readers! It's been a while since I showed up here (2 months to be exact) and its with good reason too - I was trying to settle into my new life here, at my PG. I say trying  because I'm not sure if I've settled or will ever settle at all, or maybe by the time I settle, I'll have my graduation certificate. (Actually not kidding). This new spot, this new ambience, this new style of living, screams independence. And as the great nobody ever said, (nobody is ever credited for saying this, but its something everyone says) - With a good deal of independence comes a great deal of responsibility .  I thought I was ready to handle this. I really did. Surely, practicing sleeping alone, washing my clothes by hand, eating whatever was put on my plate would have been enough for a basic foundation 101 on how to take care of yourself living alone, right? Wrong. It wasn't. I felt sheepish even writing that sentence, thinking how naïve I was in assuming these should be enough ...
