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Showing posts from November, 2020

Mantra Meditation - A Miraculous Journey

Wow its been a month (almost) from the last time I posted...!  I humbly apologize for my inconsistency in posting articles. Jumping into today's article, I'm here to share my experience with Mantra Meditation, which is so much more simpler than it sounds. for representational purposes only The basics, to my knowledge, is that one chooses a mantra/affirmation/prayer/verse that they believe strongly in (or are trying to believe in) and meditate on that by simply focusing all their energy in the process of chanting. The beauty is, this method is so simple and easy, requiring very little effort and can even be done purely by listening  to the chanting (though actually chanting it gives a much better feel). Now this chanting can be done by oneself or in a sangha (a community) and I highly recommend community chanting because: 1) It gives you motivation to repeat the process and make it an integral part of your routine 2) It gives you a sense of accountability because you feel obli
